Can people with an irregular heartbeat drink coffee?

By Michael Precker, American Heart Association News

Kobus Louw/E+ via Getty Images
(Kobus Louw/E+ via Getty Images)

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When Dr. David Kao告诉病人,他们患有心房颤动,这是一种不规则的、经常是快速的心律,可能导致中风, 血块或其他健康问题——他们的第一个问题通常是“我必须戒掉咖啡吗??"

His answer often surprises them: No.

"They're thrilled," said Kao, 他是奥罗拉科罗拉多大学医学院的心脏病专家和副教授. For many people with heart disease, "coffee has been part of their daily routine forever, and they're already giving up so much. It just keeps people feeling normal in one way, when in a lot of ways, they don't feel normal anymore."

Blame their assumption on caffeine, 是什么让爱喝咖啡的人早上起来,并在每天的低谷来袭时保持清醒呢.

"Because it's a stimulant, they feel their heart is going to race and be worse off, 尤其是当你有心房颤动这样的心律失常时," said Dr. José Joglar, 他是达拉斯德州大学西南医学中心的教授,也是该中心心律失常项目的负责人. "But it's not in the science."

Joglar was the lead author of new guidelines 美国心脏病学会和美国心脏协会关于房颤的诊断和治疗, or AFib, published recently in Circulation. Among the detailed discussions of lifestyle habits, risk modification, treatments and the complexities of AFib, 作者还特别保证咖啡因不是问题.

研究“普遍发现,摄入正常量的咖啡因要么不会增加发生房颤的风险,要么会降低发生房颤的风险," the report said.

“咖啡因的坏名声是不应该的,”Joglar说. "Caffeine has been shown to be safe for the heart."

Moreover, it may even do some good. A 2021 study 发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上的一项研究表明,含咖啡因的咖啡实际上可以降低心力衰竭的风险. 这项研究分析了三项研究,结果表明“增加咖啡摄入量似乎与晚年患心力衰竭的风险降低有关。."

Kao, the senior author of the analysis, 引用这项研究来安抚那些因喝咖啡而患心脏病的病人.

“人们认为他们可能一直在伤害自己,”他说. "They've been a lifelong coffee drinker, and they think that's why they have atrial fibrillation, which does not seem to be the case. I think that's a relief that it's not their fault."

对于健康的成年人来说,每天摄入高达400毫克的咖啡因——大约四到五杯咖啡——是安全的, according to the Food and Drug Administration.


“总有一些病人对咖啡因更敏感,”Joglar说. "Those patients should be careful. It can make you feel worse. Of course, you'll get jittery if you're drinking too much.但他说,对于普通人来说,咖啡可能不会对他们的健康有害.

Kao agreed. “人们想停止喝咖啡可能还有其他原因, like sleep disorders or anxiety disorders," he said. "But not for the sake of the heart."

对咖啡友好的心房纤颤建议并不适用于所有心脏病或高血压. To be sure, Joglar advised, talk to your doctor.

Nor do they extend to every kind of coffee. 高说,大多数研究都集中在含咖啡因的黑咖啡上,而不是脱咖啡因咖啡或速溶咖啡, where the processing may remove some of the health benefits. 他说:“我认为无咖啡因咖啡的问题还没有定论。. "It would be really helpful to know."

在美国,咖啡因的另一个主要来源也是如此.S.: sodas, especially those with artificial sweeteners. "We just haven't broken it down enough," Kao said.

虽然Joglar是一个咖啡爱好者——“我一直认为咖啡因是一种超级食物”——但他指的并不是加糖的咖啡饮料, flavored syrups, whipped cream and other caloric delights, which no studies say are good for the heart.

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